MegaTokyo: Endgames Light Novels

Fred Gallagher’s primary webcomic, MegaTokyo, is known for it’s wide variety of characters and places where those characters interact.  The “Endgames” setting is one such place.  Ostensibly an MMO where some of these characters play, for the characters in that game, it’s a fully realized world.  Think World of Warcraft meets the Sims, where the characters within it have their own lives, their own goals, and not at all aware they are pieces of a greater puzzle being played in a world beyond their reckoning.

Now, before readers get scared off, there’s no bar of entry to this series.  Prior knowledge of the MegaTokyo world isn’t necessary.  The Endgames series can stand perfectly well on its own as a bit unconventional fantasy series completely within its own right, and was meant to be so.

If you like the fantasy genre, but think it could use works that veer a bit off the beaten path, this could be what you’re looking for.

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Book 1: The Tower of Kartage

Imperial life is quite the culture shock when coming from a backwater farming community, but when Pirogoeth’s magical talents catch the attention of one of the world’s most powerful mages, she is sent off to the city and keep in Kartage to refine her talents.

Under the tutelage of Socrato, Pirogoeth goes from village outcast to promising apprentice within one of the most advanced cities on the continent.

Making friends, learning and shaping new powers, discovering a wider world, Pirogoeth’s life becomes a flurry of activity… almost enough to make her forget about the dread shadows off in the distance.

Paperback and Kindle



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Book 2: Dire Water

Life as a foxgirl is never easy, especially in the land of Avalon after the revolution. Scorned by deposed nobles who consider chimeras like her bastards, and by the new republic forces who regard those same children as remnants of the old abusive nobility, it’s a day to day struggle just to be able to wake up the next morning.

So when fate puts young Sunay out on the open seas beyond the reach of political forces, it opens up an entirely new world to explore… a world that is under siege both from internal conflict as well as the dire waters of the Void.

Paperback and Kindle



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Book 3: Fire Fox

For all of Sunay’s adult life, the Gold Pirates served as a secret police, carefully maintaining the political balance of the world while carefully watching the looming danger of the Void far out to sea. Sunay moves up in the ranks, gaining prestige and fame as the seas begin to learn of the dreaded “Fire Fox.”

But when the Void finally moves in on the last sanctuary of the world, it proves to be the least of Sunay’s worries. For the Gold Pirates find themselves under attack from all sides…

Even from within…

Paperback and Kindle



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Book 4: The Daynish Campaign

While the road to Kuith is always long, in most years it’s not particularly troublesome.

But these are not most years.

Stories, news, refugees, and a heightened militia presence in the Central Free Provinces all tell of renewed hostilities with the Daynes, tribes from the northern highlands. Pirogoeth is sucked into the conflict, one that quickly escalates beyond the raids from the past.

As the situation becomes more dire, Pirogoeth and her allies reach the decision to launch what amounts to a suicide mission directly at the heart of the Daynish Army, realizing that it’s the only way anyone in the Free Provinces is going to live to see the spring.

Provided they live to see the morning first…

Paperback and Kindle



Book 5: The Great Underground Empire

The Great Underground Empire of Quan’Dor had been spoken of in hushed whispers by the people of the Free Provinces for generations. Untold riches and wonder awaited those who could brave the dark depths, relics from an era before record by people who could shape the very world itself to suit their desires.

For Pirogoeth, it’s not wealth or fame, but necessity, that drives her and her adventuring party into the underground; seeking a path behind the massive Daynish armies where she hopes to be able to strike directly at the Winter Walkers that command the horde.

But what she finds deep below might just prove to be a greater threat than the men above…

Paperback and Kindle

Nook (Paperback also available through Barnes & Noble)


Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00023] Book 6: The Isle of Donne

Largo lived a life that most Reahtans only dream of; of wealth, fame, and a never-ending stream of battles in the arena. For years, that was enough for him, as it would be for any citizen of the great empire.

But then duty calls him to a greater task outside of gladiatorial combat, to the farthest reaches of Reahtan influence, and the enigmatic archmage that served as the biggest thorn in the Empire’s side. Within Dominus Augustus’s tower, Largo discovers the start of a much larger world…

A much larger, much more terrifying world.

Paperback and Kindle

