Archive for February, 2013

An Eclectic Affair

Posted in Grumblings on February 16, 2013 by chemiclord

Well, this morning, some fairly significant news has been confirmed… July 14-16th, I’ll be in Urbana, Illinois for An Eclectic Affair, a convention celebrating nerd culture.

“Okay, Thomas… you’ve been to a handful of conventions.  What’s so special about this one that you’re letting us know 5 months ahead of time?”

The answer is that this time, I’m a special guest on my own merits, rather than an attache to someone much more famous than I.  It’s a bit overwhelming to get that sort of recognition, but it’s also another chance to see me in person and get all those things you wanted to say to my face out!

I’ll update information as to what sort of panels I’ll be participating in, as well as the content, as well as exactly where I’ll be.  So mark your calendars, and if the opportunity arises for anyone and everyone, feel free to drop in and say hi.  I’m sure I’d appreciate it.