Archive for March, 2019

The Right Way to Play A Video Game…

Posted in Grumblings on March 31, 2019 by chemiclord

Rule 1: It is not your decision.

Rule 2: If there is any doubt, kindly refer to Rule #1 and pick an orifice to go fuck yourself in.

This is something I frequently grind my gears over; the hardcore gamer who decides there is a “right way to play” and anyone else isn’t a true fan and thus deserves to be derided.

This attitude among gamers has really reared it’s ugly head with the release of FROM Software’s latest title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, as it usually does every time FROM Software releases a title.  They are very mechanically challenging titles, and the fans of that series get very upset if you suggest that they aren’t “fair,” or don’t do things that you’re “supposed to do” like open yourself to PvP raids.

Now, this is hardly unique to Sekiro or From Software.  I’ve seen this attitude seep up like toxic waste in everything from the Fire Emblem series (if you turn permadeath off, you’re doin’ it rong), Doom (if you turn down the difficulty, you’re not playing it right), goddamn Mario games (using warp pipes if you’re not speedrunning means you’re trash), hell… I listened to an uncle get shit on for not defeating the Wizard of Frobozz properly in Zork 2 (a damn text-based puzzle game which encouraged you to find your own solution).

This isn’t hard to suss out, gamers.  You were not, are not, and never will be the arbiter for the “right way” to play any game.  And if you hold such an opinion for any game, I kindly request you to take that opinion out to the curb, because it’s garbage.