Archive for June, 2014

First Draft Finally Complete

Posted in Grumblings on June 29, 2014 by chemiclord

Nerve pain tends to make everything a slow slog, but I’ve finally managed to complete the first draft of the The Tower of Kartage manuscript.  The good news is that’s the hard part for me.  The bad news is now I’m at the mercy of others editing, revising, and adding the artwork before my job starts up again.

Well, at least it’s bad for me.  I don’t like twiddling my thumbs.

Anyway, I’ll try to update soon.

Yes… I know I say that every time, and rarely, if ever do.

Back From JAFAX and Nursing a Bad Back

Posted in Grumblings on June 23, 2014 by chemiclord

Well, JAFAX had been an overall positive experience… I even made a handful of sales and met some intriguing people (like fellow author Tracy Falbe, check her stuff out at  I’ve also learned that Fred is being invited to Youmacon again this year, and I suspect I’ll be tagging along again as well.

However, I also seem to be having back issues, which hopefully won’t prove to be serious (I won’t really know more until I can meet with my physician in July), but it seems like I have a bulging disk causing the pain in my right leg.  Here’s keeping my fingers crossed.

I’d cross my toes as well, but that would probably hurt too much.

More Short Stories

Posted in Updates on June 1, 2014 by chemiclord

Since The Sixth Prophet has been out for a while now, I’ve reintroduced the second set of short stories that serve as the bridge between that and the events of the upcoming third book in the series, currently titled The Endtimer’s Legacy.  Meanwhile, the short story “The Head of the Beast” is now linked within the first group of short stories as well.

Both links are in the sidebar… thank you for reading and visiting!


Posted in Grumblings on June 1, 2014 by chemiclord

Whelp, the 19th edition of JAFAX in Allendale, Michigan tips off in three weeks.  It’s not the biggest, most spectacular con, but it’s one nearby to me, and a good place to peddle my wares and talents.

So if you find yourself in the West Michigan area June 21 and/or 22, drop by.  It’s a “free” con, so you don’t even have to pay any admission charges!

And now, watch me drop into complete radio silence for the next three weeks.  Yes, I know I promised I’d try to better at this.