Archive for June, 2011

The Second Gate, now on Barnes & Noble for the Nook!

Posted in Updates on June 18, 2011 by chemiclord

It took a bit longer than Amazon, but Barnes and Noble finally cleared my account and submission for their Nook store.

For those of you that use the Nook, you can now purchase The Second Gate at the same $0.99 price by following the following link.  The Second Gate [Nook Edition]

And just for a reminder and for new visitors, the Kindle version can be found at this link.  The Second Gate [Kindle Edition]

If there are any other formats you’d like to see this in, feel free to comment or contact me through email.

A Word of Thanks

Posted in Grumblings on June 16, 2011 by chemiclord

I learned that over the weekend, “Behind the Masque” held the #1 spot for several hours on Amazon’s Bestseller List for all Comics and Graphic Novels, and held the top spot on their manga list throughout the entire weekend.

I could not have dreamed of such a result for the hard work Fred and I put together.  I’m actually rather humbled by the result.  Thank everyone who made this story such a rousing success.  For those who still haven’t given it a read… well, obviously quite a few people like it.  You wouldn’t want to miss out, would ya?

Megatokyo Endgames: Behind the Masque

Posted in Updates on June 10, 2011 by chemiclord

It took some time to set everything in order, but at long last, a taste of what is in store for those who wanted to see the fruits of my Super Special Super Secret Project.

The Kindle Store now carries “Behind the Masque” a short story set in the Endgames world that will allow readers to dip their toes in and decide if they want to see more.  If anything, Fred Gallagher’s artwork is worth the $0.99 by itself.

Follow this link here if you want to learn more and make your purchase.

Amazon link back up.

Posted in Grumblings on June 7, 2011 by chemiclord

Readers are again able to purchase the Second Gate e-book after some short downtime.  I apologize for the error in publishing, as it was most certainly my fault.

The Amazon Value Menu!

Posted in Updates on June 5, 2011 by chemiclord

All sorts of mediocre stuff for under a buck!

In seriousness, though, The Second Gate is now available for purchase at for Kindle and all Kindle supported applications and platforms.  At only $0.99, it’s a way of showing your support and helping set a standard that could be turned into a dead tree version in the future.

Honestly, I’d have offered it for even less, but 99 cents is the lowest any e-book publisher would allow me to charge.

What?  Did you think I was kidding when I said I thought it was worth a nickel?

At any rate, if after all this, you actually still want to buy this thing, feel free to follow this link here.

And on that note…

Posted in Grumblings on June 5, 2011 by chemiclord

Talking about how sportswriters have decided they need to become the story rather than report it…

Yeah.  Thanks for proving my point.

On an aside… does anyone else see that the Kindle e-book price is more than the print version?  Wasn’t the transition to e-books supposed to make this stuff cheaper and easier to distribute?