Archive for May, 2019

Back to Transcendent

Posted in Updates with tags on May 29, 2019 by chemiclord

To anyone who knows me personally, this probably isn’t a surprise in the slightest.  With my work on MegaTokyo:Endgames wrapping up (I’ll have a release date for Isle of Donne soon, I promise), I’m back to work on a concept that has been burning in the back of my mind for the last year.

(To the four people who wanted me to go back to my “Gate” series… sorry.)

But I’m approaching Transcendent a little differently than just writing a novel.  The release structure for this series will be almost like the serials of the past (and kinda like seasons of TV shows now).

The goal is that once the series gets spinning, that I’ll release 20-30 page “episodes” that you’ll be able to buy through Amazon Kindle e-books, and after a 10-12 page “season” they’ll be compiled in book form that you’ll be able to buy for all you dead tree collectors.  I feel it will lower the bar of entry (which is what kills a lot of “new” writers), while at the same time keeping the larger novels for those who want them on their bookshelves.

And yes… these will be Kindle exclusives.  It’s admittedly a mercenary decision, as my sales from Amazon lapped Barnes and Noble and Kobo combined several times over.  For the price points I’m going to be selling these at… I’m going to need the higher cut that comes from giving the Kindle exclusive publishing.

Which brings us to price.  The plan initially is that each episode will run for $1 ($0.99 technically), and the accumulated seasons will be in the $12-$15 range.  I’m trying to keep prices down, folks.  I know it’s really hard to have much money to spend, after all.  I wish I could do better.

Anyway, I’ll keep updating as I get closer.  Still really early in development at this point, but I understand that radio silence is one of the worst things to have as a nobody writer.  Thanks for keeping in touch!

So… Where To Now?

Posted in Grumblings on May 7, 2019 by chemiclord

As you are reading this… I am at long last (about a year later than I would have liked) finished with the primary draft of The Isle of Donne.  Granted, still have some editing and some cover art to finish up, but the brunt of the work (on my end at least) is done.

It’s almost hard to believe that I’ve put in roughly 6 years of my life to this series, and definitely more actual development time than anything I had done before.  It really has become a part of my life, and as a result that I’m effectively finished with it is a bit hard to wrap my brain around.

These last few days have been my first sort of “vacation” from writing since then, the first time in years that I haven’t had my word processor and/or story board open in front of me, and while the break was probably needed… it felt wrong somehow.  Like I was missing a part of me.

So, I think that is me telling myself it’s time to get back to work.  But on what?

Yeah, I’m not going to able to pretend I’m lost in a indecisive haze wondering what my next project will be.  I already know.  I’ve kinda already known for a year.  And as I get it more congealed, I’ll share those plans with everyone.

Okay… back to radio silence, now.  Thank you for your patience.