Archive for September, 2014

MegaTokyo: Endgames books for sale!

Posted in Updates on September 24, 2014 by chemiclord


Tower of Kartage Teaser

Posted in Grumblings on September 18, 2014 by chemiclord

Barring any catastrophic delays, The Tower of Kartage will be ready for release and publication next week.  I’m gunning for the 25th of September, but Amazon isn’t always entirely consistent when they’ve cleared something.

In the meantime, here’s a short little teaser, just to wet the palette.  Hope you enjoy it!

Tower of Kartage Teaser

The Tower Nears…

Posted in Grumblings on September 9, 2014 by chemiclord

Though this one is not dark or forboding.  It’s actually a very nice tower, in a city with pleasant (if wary) people.


Still on schedule for a release in late September/early October… so it’s coming up quick.  Be ready!

On Successful Surgery…

Posted in Grumblings on September 5, 2014 by chemiclord

As of this moment, I am writing a changed man… missing a little bit of bone and cartilage… and sporting a nice new slash across my lower back.

This is a good thing.

The surgery to fix the herniated L5-S1 disc was so successful that the doctors didn’t even feel the need to keep me overnight for observation.  I can already feel an immense difference (the pain in my leg is nigh entirely gone), but at the moment, I’ve just traded one pain for another (shocking development folks, having surgery leaves you really sore).

But the difference is, finally, the pain is only going to get better, as opposed to worse.  Sleeping will start being easier, rather than harder.  It’s not going to be a short road to a full recovery, but I can finally say I’m on that road to recovery.

It’s a good feeling.

In actual writing news, I’ve been able to push through the first manuscript of The Tower of Kartage, and the goal remains to have that ready for sale at the end of the month.  And barring a horrible turn for the worse, I should be well enough to attend Youmacon 2014 in Detroit.

Keep your fingers crossed on both counts.  I’m eager to get back in the swing of things.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Posted in Grumblings on September 3, 2014 by chemiclord

Thank you to those who extended their support, and fortunately, my doctors and specialists working on my case aren’t wasting any time, as I will have the surgery to correct my herniated disc Friday, September 5th.  Hopefully, this will finally allow me to resume something resembling a normal life.

Thank you all again.